src=9396587;type=ctpma0;cat=china0;dc_lat=;dc_rdid=;tag_for_child_directed_treatment=;tfua=;npa=;ord=1? Work Injury Compensation

Work Injury Compensation

What type of claim do you want to make?


It is important that Employers report all WORK-RELATED ACCIDENTS involving their workers to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) – Work Injury Compensation Department and our Claims Department immediately upon such occurrence. Employers are required to submit a WSH Incident Reporting available at MOM website for the reporting of Work-Related Accidents.

The deadlines for reporting the type of occurrence as stipulated by MOM is listed below:

What to report  Reporting timeline 
Where the accident results in death of any employee Within 10 days of the occurrence
Where the accident results in any incapacity that renders the employee unfit for work for more than 3 consecutive days, or is admitted in a hospital for at least 24 hours for observation or treatment Within 10 days of the occurrence

** Failure to report a work-related accident is an offence which carries a fine of up to $5,000 for a first-time offence, and a fine of up to $10,000 and/or jail term of up to six(6) months for subsequent offences.

Documents Required
  1. Original Medical Bill(s), Receipt(s), Certificate(s)
  2. Copy of MOM's iReport
  3. Copy of the NRIC (for Singaporeans / Singapore Permanent Resident Workers) or Work Permit (for Foreign Workers)
  4. Copies of the salary voucher for the past 12 months prior to the accident
  5. Contract Agreement between Insured and Sub-contractor(s) -> (If injured worker is not under the direct employment of the Insured)
  6. Copy of the Sub-Contractor's insurance policy (if applicable) -> If injured worker is not under the direct employment of the Insured)
  7. Contract Value of this project (applicable for annual policy)
  8. Copies of CPF and Levy Statements (from) on policy commencement date (applicable for annual policy)
  9. Any other documents relating to this incident.

The above gives a brief and generalised summary of the claims procedure and is not an interpretation of the policy terms and conditions. We would advise that the policy schedule, endorsement, policy jacket and/or certificate of insurance should be read in conjunction with the above.

Depending on the circumstances of each case, further investigations may be required and there may be a request for further documents. Assistance may also be sought from the policyholder.